Wednesday, February 26, 2014

5 Reasons Why Most Don't Become Wealthy

What can you change in your daily activities ?

Do you know who is the biggest obstacle in your path to achieve great wealth ? How can you turn it in your advantage, how can you use all your potential that is inside your mind and start, from today, with a few modifications that will guide you to financial independence ?

Here are the 5 common mistakes that prevent the majority of people from becoming wealthy :

1. Never occurred to them to become wealthy. And I'll explain this to you. Most average people grew up in families where he never knew anyone who was wealthy, socialise with friends who are also not wealthy, how some say, birds with the same feathers fight together. They also stay with coworkers who are not wealthy and outside of work, hang out with people also not wealthy. This is why everybody have a tendency to follow the herd. "Go to school, take good grades, get a Job and live pitiful for the rest of your life!"

2. Now you might say that you thought about how to become wealthy and I agree with you.

But the second common reason is that people don't decide to make his goal to become wealthy. Even if they read a book, or attend a seminar or talking to a wealthy friend who gave him an business idea, he fails to take the first step. As a quote say:
If you continue to do what you always done, you will continuing to get what you always gotten !
3. Why they don't take action ? Because they procrastinate. They always have a good reason not to begin doing what they know they need to do to achieve financial independence!"Is not the right time, or right season, I will start next week when I'll have more time, and so on." And even if you pass to first 2 obstacles here most of them fails. They procrastinate and delay taking action !

4. The fourth reason that most people are poor is because they could not control their expenses. They could not resist the temptation to spend their money. If you can't managing your own money, you will lose them. If you are in this stage, I will help you pass this step with a strong financial plan that you can see it HERE W Clement Stone said:

If you can not save money,then the seeds of greatness are not in you!
5. The last reason and probably the most important is: lack of time perspective. What I'm trying to say is that time perspective refer to the amount of time they take in consideration when are planning the daily activities.
They think on short periods of time. Here is an example: Starting from now, you save every week, 10 dollars and depose them into your account. You must discipline yourself not to use them until is a sufficient amount to invest them in a business.

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