6 secrets for you to turn desire into reality

Have you ever wonder how successful man continuing to have more riches, while the poorest become poorer ?
What some do and the others don't ?
What do you need in order to accumulate more ?

After studying more than 2 years successful people (Steve Jobs,Bill Gates,Mark Zuckerberg,Henry Ford, Andrew Carnegie, Thomas Edison, Jim Rohn, Brian Tracy, Napoleon Hill, and many more), read their bibliography, finding what they have done, I come up with 6 things common to every one of them. 

Before telling you the 6 steps in order to achieve anything you wish to, the Most important thing you have to do is to desire to win. Here most people get this wrong. because most of them only wish to win  Wishing will not fuel your passion and will not put you in a state that will help you reach your goal, it will only delude you. ;)

What do you need to do ? Cut out all exits. As the Benjamin Disraeli said:

"Nothing can resist the human will that will stake even its existence on its stated purpose."

Be realistic with you, you have to believe that you can achieve your goal.(avoid goals like, I want a million dollars by the end of the week, for now)
Be persistent with a mental attitude that will not recognize failure.
Make yourself a phrase and put it on your desktop for example and repeat it, every day:
"My mission from this day on is to ..... and I will not give up until I will succeed. No matter how bad it is or how hard it will gets, I'm gonna make it "

Now, let's turn this desire into actions, and make it come true. Remember if you are not persistent and you start with a wish rather than a desire, you will struggle on the road. For example lets take a desire for riches.

First, fix in your mind what you desire. Avoid something like: I want plenty of money. Be specific: I want to double, triple my income.

Second, what are you intending to give in return for what you want.Come up with a list of things you must do. There is nothing in this world as something for nothing ! (One of my example: I will increase my knowledge in order to help at least 10000 people with their lives :D )

Third, set up a definite date when you will possess the goal you desire.BE REALISTIC !
Ex: I will double my income by the end of December 2014.

Fourth, create a plan with a set of actions, you will take daily to achieve your goal.
Ex: I will make an extra contact if you work in sales every day, or I will eat an apple a day for improving my health, or I will run 100m more every time, to lose more weight )

Fifth, write the exact desire on a paper, write what are you intending to give in return, place the deadline until you will achieve it and write the plan with the set of actions you will take every day.

Sixth, read your statement twice daily before you wake up, and just before retiring in night. As you read see, feel and believe yourself already in possession of your goal.

You might feel that you cant do it, especially the last step, but this is where your burning desire for success help you. If you commit yourself to accomplish your goal and follow these simple steps, next year will make a bigger goal.

Whenever you feel like giving up, give me a comment and I will give you some methods to bring you back on your track !

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