Tuesday, February 18, 2014

What can you do to overcome laziness (+BONUS)

What can you do to go back on your plans

Today I had a weak moment, one of those moments when I really didn't want to do anything. I have a lot to do but I felt lazy and I am not proud of myself. More worse I lost the following hours doing things that seemed funny but gave me no joy. And couple minute ago I tried to sleep thinking that after I woke up I will have another mood. Now you probably have similar experiences, and I'm thinking, had you got that inner voice inside you telling "this is wrong", and "you need to get up and start doing what you're suppose to do"?

What can you use to win the battle with your thoughts and those people pulling you back ?

First you need your Dream, a specific goal that will keep you awake in the nights when you are thinking about it! This will be your guide, your destination in your journey. Be clear when you design it !

Second thing that will help you is to find solutions to keep you motivated and inspired whenever you feel lazy.
Here I can help you with my methods:
I play videos like this, that are a source of positive energy for me.
I listen audiobook like this, that give me ideas and information.
I make exercise. here

In order for going after what you want, you must pay very close attention to these that are around you. Ask yourself:
Who am I around ?
What are they doing to me?
What have they got me saying?
What do they have me becoming?

And if your responses are in contrary to what you want, then walk away from them. Don't let them pull you back and stop you reaching your goals. You must remember that you are living your own life. Is up to you to decide how you live it!

The last thing and the most important, Take action whenever that little voice inside encourage you to be active, stand up and do something that will take you one step closer to achieve your dream.

As a Bonus I give you this video to see exactly how  negative people can affect you even if you are a positive thinking person.

Feel free to share things you do to motivate yourself in a comment !

Thank you,


1 comment:

  1. Come to Romania!!!!
