Friday, February 21, 2014

What are you doing with Active Income Account ?

 What can you do with the little money that now you possess

From my financial point of view there are only two sides regarding to wealth. One side with rich people who are independent financially and one side with poor people dependent on sources such as: job, personal business where he works along with some employees and so on... Let's clarify this from the begining what those two adjectives means.

Financialy Independent is someone who has increased his passive incomes so high that if he doesn't want to work anymore, have sufficient amounts of money that comes to him every month while doing nothing for it. What passive incomes are ? Investments that you made in the past and now you receive money or dividends.A common example is: interest from the bank for an amount of money deposited.

People often delude themselves by thinking "I make a lot of money to my job and after paying my bills and other expenses I still have something left". They are dependent on the respective jobs, or whatever he does! If they would quit their job, there will be no money for them. Same with freelancers. Remember in order to call yourself financial independent you must have a business that run without your implication or investments such as rented appartments.

In the past articles, I give you a strong financial plan that you must take action on him in order to start managing your money. And there I mentioned an account named: "Active Income Account". Now what can you do with these money when the amounts are small?

1. Start a network marketing business also known as the 21 century business. Is the best investment you can do, starting with a little money and with hard work you can generate a passive income in time. My business is along with FM World. You can contact me and ask me any kind of questions.

2. Another thing you learn in a network marketing business is how to make a sell ? You need just a good atitude and an truthful interest for other people and you can start multiplying your money. This is the quickest way to double your incomes.

3. Learn how to lend people money and how to make money work for you ! Be careful whom you lend, find out what they are going to do with them, take guaranties. Remember it is your money and you worked hard for them.

These are first 3 ways that I practiced for 2 years and brought me a lot of money.

Feel free to share any ideas about this article

Stefan (Who also has few money just like you) :)

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