Wednesday, February 12, 2014

5 of the highest paid abilities in any company

What skills should I develop first ?

In previous article I talk about 3 actions you have to do in order to increase your income. All successful people at a certain point in their lives had a lack of skills. But if you analyze them now, they somehow developed those skills, they haven't born with them. Nobody was born leader, or a genius, or a good communicator and so on. Now let's find out what are the most highest paid skills in any company.

1. The ability to get along with people. If you read Forbes Magazine and then search information about the first 10 richest men in the world, you'll discover this ability among every one. The best example I can give you is Charles Schwab. He was paid by Andrew Carnegie with 1 million dollars per year to run his company. I found Charles own words, words that we must cast in bronze, words that children must learn in schools, rather than spend hours studying something they don't like, words that will transform your life if you only apply them:

" I consider my ability to arouse enthusiasm among the men," said Schwab, "the greatest asset I possess, and the way to develop the best that is in a man is by appreciation and encouragement. "There is nothing else that so kills the ambitions of a man as criticisms from his superiors. I never criticize anyone. I believe in giving a man incentive to work. So I am anxious to praise but loath to find fault. If I like anything, I am hearty in my approbation and lavish in my praise."
2.The ability to get things done Fast. Think about this for a moment. You run a business and you have to give an important task to two employees ! One is lazy and he need a lot of time to do the task and eventually will come up with the results. And the other one is an proactive person, who has a sense of urgency and comes up with solutions that saves time and always finish before you would expect ! Which one you will promote ?

3.The ability to set priorities. Write down what you need to do for today, and then see, which are relevant and which are less relevant to you. Apply the Pareto Principle: 20% of the things you need to do are worth all of the others put together(the rest of 80%).

4.The ability of neatness . Always make sure your work environment is clean. Put away everything that you don't need. A few years ago, Brian Tracy Company made a study on 140 senior executives in USA and 98% of them said that they will not promote a messy person and will not give them more responsibilities. Why ? Because no matter how much you deny it, every one around you will conclude that you are an inefficient, undependable, unreliable person and even you get the job done they will say it's was an accident. Stand back from your desk and ask yourself: What kind of person will work in this environment ? Be neat!

5.A set of high moral values: Punctuality, honesty, respect and courtesy, values that we have learned in "The first 7 years of our life" from our parents. I attended one of Lorand Szasz's seminar last week and got this idea. Robert Coles spent 20 years studying successful people from the time they were kids until they grow up and discover that: 
"If you want to grow successful kids, teach them high moral values."
There are a lot more abilities, but these 5 are the most common of all. And remember the most important thing of all is to learn and apply them every day.

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